Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet by Lynn Bridge 10 1/2″ x 13″ Have not read the book.  I do see it on other peoples’ bookshelves, and I hear others swearing by it for weight loss and good health. When I hear the prefix ‘paleo-,’ I immediately think


Longhorn 11 1/2″ x 16″ Longhorn cattle are popular in these parts.  One of them is the mascot of the enormous university in my town, but besides that, they have a long history in Texas. One of my neighbors, H.W. Brands, is a history scholar and prolific author, and

Oh, My Aching Back!

Which ones of you have aching backs, limping legs, searing shoulders? Since junior high, I have rarely been without pain in one major joint or another and I have always believed it was just my lot in life.  Now I’m beginning to wonder whether or not that is true! Three

What Happened to the Road Gravel and Crash Glass?

If you’ve read my previous blog, Return to the Nursery, you might be wondering what happened to the asphalt gravel, small stones, and crash glass that I swept up and sorted in the summer.  Here’s one answer: Field of Eggs 31″ x 37″ x 3″ Copyright by


Collaboration photograph copyright by Lynn Bridge Weeks ago I promised to review Twyla Tharp’s book, The Collaborative Habit; Life Lessons for Working Together, so I will make good on that now. This book has something in common with her previous book, The Creative Habit,

Don’t have talent? Develop some!

watercolor sketch of a mosaic idea  “UNBOUND“ 4″ x 6″.  copyright 2010 by Lynn Bridge I promised you that I would review the book Talent Is Overrated– What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin, so that’s

I’m Dancing!

A couple of weeks ago I saw that Alyson Stanfield of I’d Rather Be in the Studio fame had recommended the book, Talent is Overrated– What Really Separates World-class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin.  Well, when I went to order that book from Amazon, of

Words in the Wilderness

I have decided to make this post verbal.  Normally I include my own artwork to illustrate my words, but this time, I think I’ll let your inner eye fill in the visuals.  I will do my best to allow your imagination enough details to be able to paint the pictures.  I just

Nature-deficit Disorder

Green Creek Today, for a very few minutes, I’m going to do my part to save the world from possible insanity.  I have been reading a book given to me by my friend on the occasion of my birthday.  It is called Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.   I am not even halfway

Under the Surface

I don’t know whether it issued from the anticipation of another family holiday experienced all over the U.S., with its potential for innuendo and unresolved feelings boiling over, or whether it was strictly a formal aesthetic idea, but the other day I closed my eyes and