Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio



Today I made a preliminary sketch for a much larger art piece that I have had in mind for months.  I have photographed my models in numerous poses and this is a quick sketch- the first of many- of one of the characters who will appear in the final mosaic.  The model is a friend,

The Good Earth

This mosaic shares its title with a novel by Pearl S. Buck.  In the novel, the farm fields are themselves one of the living characters.  Likewise, I am thinking here of the earth as an organism.  Served up on a plate, it could be a course to savor and appreciate, or one t


My Random House Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language says that the first definition of “Perverse” is “willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired”.  There are other meanings which are more negative, but I’m

Field Trips I Have Known

Being somewhat dutiful parents, my husband and I have chaperoned a number of school field trips over the years.  Most could have been measured somewhere on the scale between mildly annoying to almost triumphant in their effect on the students, but a few have been notable for

Eyes Open Blindly

Two days ago was check-up day at the vet for our three cats.  Of course, they sensed trouble in advance, so I had to try to outsmart their tiny brains with food.  I had three cats, three cat carriers, three soft blankets, and three snacks in a room with its two doors firmly


Today I present you with a piece of frivolity- a tray made as randomly as I could manage with glass blobs, which turned out to be quite regular in form, if not color.  Having four colors of glass blobs to start with, I held my tray at a slight tilt while placing blobs from my