Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


Oh, My Aching Back!

Which ones of you have aching backs, limping legs, searing shoulders? Since junior high, I have rarely been without pain in one major joint or another and I have always believed it was just my lot in life.  Now I’m beginning to wonder whether or not that is true! Three

My Graveyard Birthing Center

For those of you who might be under the mistaken impression that real artists know what they’re doing, and that there is a straight line from having inspirations to planning to executing, and, finally, to successfully producing ART, are you in for a surprise! To refute the

The Artist Is/Is Not In Today

Until early this morning, this was my mosaic studio. I‘m choosing Is Not in for today. We unloaded shelves, setting the contents around as best we could, we moved shelves, we squished my horizontal surfaces together to make a large passageway: How to make a pathway out of

Happy Birthday to This Blog!

Glory Photo by Lynn Bridge I noticed that today is the first anniversary of this art blog, so Happy Birthday, Old Girl! You might have noticed that I enjoy writing; I hope this comes through for you in all my posts.  I’d love to be able to post every day, but for now, that

Seeing for the First Time

Airplane sketches by Lynn Bridge Looking… seeing… vision. All refer to sight, right? For my purposes here, I’m going to call ‘looking’ the process by which our eyes send signals to our brains.  Our brains might process the information, …or they

What Happened to the Road Gravel and Crash Glass?

If you’ve read my previous blog, Return to the Nursery, you might be wondering what happened to the asphalt gravel, small stones, and crash glass that I swept up and sorted in the summer.  Here’s one answer: Field of Eggs 31″ x 37″ x 3″ Copyright by

Lookin’ For Art in All the Wrong Places

First of all, I want you to know how much I appreciate your reading this blog.  I am always amazed when people I would barely suspect of reading an art blog tell me that they read this thing.  Amazing!  I hope I am making your time worthwhile. We- meaning my husband, my mother,

Another Look at New Orleans

The Story of NOLA Watters (revised version) Copyright by Lynn Bridge Muck, emptiness, stench.  These were overwhelmingly evident in New Orleans a whole year after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina and the accompanying failure of the levees to hold back the water from much of the

A Smashing Good Time!

OK, Friends and Neighbors, let’s see what happens when I take a bronze safety glass table top, donated by a kind neighbor, and put it in the grass on top of a heavy vinyl tarp, and wrap it up, and hit it as hard as I can on the edge with a long-handled hammer…

Return to the Nursery

Ah, the task of sorting….. takes me back to my toddler years.  We sorted by shape, by color, by type, by size- for hours. Now I’m back to sorting.  It is a mindless activity for a 100-degree day.   The street sweepings I collected are becoming a pile of