Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


A Recipe for Mosaic Packing

Go visit your favorite home-improvement store and buy a couple of cans of spray foam insulation. Do you have a sturdy shipping carton? Oh, well then, you need to beg, borrow, or buy one. Next, wrap your pointy, pokey, delicate mosaic in layers of kitchen plastic wrap.  Make the

“Articulate- the Artist’s Voice” upcoming show at Ciel Gallery in Charlotte, NC

The Food Desert This mosaic will soon hang in Ciel Gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Here is Ciel’s press release about the show, tailored for my local paper, of course: Lynn Bridge of Austin, TX  has been selected by juror Sonia King for inclusion in articulate : the

Overlooked Abundance

Today I want to highlight two artists whose thoughts have converged for me. The first, Liza Meyers, is a painter and sculptor whose blog post today caught my attention:  “No Excuses: Make Art With What We Have.”  She describes visually and verbally some instances in


[slideshow] More glass shards, more kiln time, more mortar, more faces.  These are the faces you have seen before, either on this blog, or at my home studio, and they are starting to multiply. My kiln is running every day now that the West Austin Studio Tour is over. I am using


“Gems” by Lynn Bridge This morning, when I went for a walk, I felt porous. The wind through my skin and the light and shadow through my eyes carried restoration and wisdom inside me.  I deflated just a bit upon coming indoors to work.  Note to my spirit:  hold the

Making Friends

[slideshow] The last couple of days, I have taken an old, unfinished mosaic of mine outside to watch it interact and make friends with the light, patterns, and forms in the front yard.  I took lots of pictures, and sometimes gave it my “blur treatment”.  You’ll

The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet by Lynn Bridge 10 1/2″ x 13″ Have not read the book.  I do see it on other peoples’ bookshelves, and I hear others swearing by it for weight loss and good health. When I hear the prefix ‘paleo-,’ I immediately think

One Hundred Percent

The Hole in Barton Creek Acrylic painting by Lynn Bridge 12″ x 12″ It’s April- it must be time for the annual George Washington Carver Museum  100% Exhibit and Fundraiser. Opening night is April 26, 2012, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., and the last day of the exhibit

Making Much of Too Many

Abundance by Lynn Bridge Over the weekend, I was talking to a friend who mothers an elementary school-aged daughter.  The child is the only offspring of two talented parents, and it would be hard to imagine a child with better upbringing on all fronts.  Short of the earth coming

What’s on the Menu?!?!?!?

Food Desert by Lynn Bridge 10 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ Which of you has had to change your diet dramatically by eliminating one or more food categories?  If you have, you are probably familiar with the feelings of panic when you realize that nothing your are