Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

working together

coloring the design for the third panel of The Feeding of the 5000, designed by Lynn Bridge

Color On…. Together!

This post is re-blogged from another blog I write, New Life from Shards, about the creation of a community-built mosaic mural at University Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. Byron and Bob hung the first mosaic panel in the Great Hall today!   Byron and Bob hang Panel 1
Texas Conference of Churches-

On the Road Again

Last Friday night, we took the first of six panels of “The Feeding of the 5000” mosaic ‘out on the road’, as I call it when we take pieces or whole panels outside the church mosaic room. Yep, that’s me, Lynn Bridge, in the center of the photo, hands

Teaching Art

Not only am I having my first experiences teaching adults, but I’m also brand-new to teaching art. I have had decades to practice art, to experience being a student, and to think about the many subjects within the category ‘art’, but teaching is a novelty for

Friends or Rivals?

Puddle  13 by Lynn Bridge Do you remember being in 7th grade? If you were a girl, it is likely that, at one time or another, you found yourself in a rivalry with another girl for the friendship of a third girl.  Somehow we girls thought that a person could not have two best


Collaboration photograph copyright by Lynn Bridge Weeks ago I promised to review Twyla Tharp’s book, The Collaborative Habit; Life Lessons for Working Together, so I will make good on that now. This book has something in common with her previous book, The Creative Habit,