Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

stained glass


Castle Moon by Lynn Bridge Last night, at the beginning fusing and slumping class taught by Jim Berry of Blue Moon Glassworks, we saw our projects that had been in the kiln from the week before.  Altogether, the 7″ dishes had a great variety of textures, colors, and themes.

Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks

Grinning Dog by Lynn Bridge I hope that today’s post amuses you AND encourages you to stretch out and try something new. In anticipation of taking a class from the British mosaic artist Martin Cheek (in Austin in February), I needed to learn how to make my own fused glass


Detail of World-wide Copyright by Lynn Bridge What in the world?!?!?  Exactly!  It certainly is a conversation-piece, isn’t it? World-wide 36″ x 48″. Copyright by Lynn Bridge I was thinking of cells and growth and malignancy and plague and epidemics and the

Showing Off My Photographer

Charlotte Bell has photographed mosaics twice for me now and I want to show off her latest work here. Charlotte* and her husband, also an artist (in wood), live in a neighborhood which is loaded with artists.  Every year they band together and host a studio tour and sale- this is

What Happened to the Road Gravel and Crash Glass?

If you’ve read my previous blog, Return to the Nursery, you might be wondering what happened to the asphalt gravel, small stones, and crash glass that I swept up and sorted in the summer.  Here’s one answer: Field of Eggs 31″ x 37″ x 3″ Copyright by

Behind the Scenes

After nestling in my cocoon for awhile, I have started a new series of works based on the piece entitled Life on the Edge.  My blog post about this piece is actually entitled “Small Beginnings” because, at the time, I felt that there would be more to say on the same


After a break from writing blogs, posting pictures on flickr, and updating my website, I am coming back to life- internet public life, that is.  I have spent the last six weeks or so in a little cocoon, finding a better focus for making art.  This also involves deciding what to

Small Beginnings

Life on the Edge Copyright by Lynn Bridge Glazed ceramics by Roberta Mitchell 13″ x 12″ x 1 1/2″ For those of you who saw this picture, first in the sidebar of my blog, then in the header, and wondered, “What in the world?”, here is an answer. There

“Pink” lives again! Part 4

Volts Copyright by Lynn Bridge 6″ x 6″ x 1″ The story starring Harry is in full swing, and Harry’s dementia is his constant companion.  But, Harry is still able to make a big discovery about his life; we are heading there in this story! If you need to

“Pink” lives again! Part 2

To catch up with where we are in this short story, read Part 1. This story is not about dementia, but dementia is an ever-present character in the story “Pink”. The artwork is inspired by the short story (Story copyright 2000 by Lynn Bridge). Pink Again Copyright by