Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


door to stop #103 on 2013 West Austin Studio Tour

Looking Back

The past two weekends were open-house weekends for Glencliff Art Studio, which was stop #103 on the 2013 WEST Austin Studio Tour.  Dianne Sonnenberg and I, along with family and friends who helped, hosted a studio tour and a gallery tour of our mosaics and paintings.  For those
pastel monochrome self-portrait sketch by Lynn Bridge

Everything at Once

Self-portrait Here is what I look like today (if I were in a monochrome world).  I did this sketch of myself looking into the mirror.  I did not spend much time on it, because I have a lot of tasks left in this day, but it captures me well enough. Since the last time I posted,
Small pastel painting by Lynn Bridge in Austin, Texas

Mining Operation

I have been mining.  Digging through my mosaic pieces and finding nuggets I can refine into paintings.  I am excavating the soil of previous ideas to see what more can be found. Perhaps this digging activity is also like gardening.  I am looking for tubers to divide so that

Big Pants

Pastel Sketch of John and Suzi Parker copyright 2010 by Lynn Bridge 6 5/8″ x 9 1/2″ Do you recognize these people?  If you do, it is because you know them personally, or have read about them several times before on my blog posts.  They are  John and Suzi Parker.  They