Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio



Barton Creek 4 Copyright by Lynn Bridge 16″ x 24″ I just scanned an article in the New York Times relating to our federal Clean Water Act, and it dredged up memories from a creek bottom of my childhood. I became an environmentalist about the same time I learned to

The Disinterested World

Spring is starting in Austin, Texas.  The native Mexican plum trees, an understory plant, are flowering white under the bare branches of the taller trees.  This non-native shrub in my yard is flowering pink already, and its sibling shrub is thinking about blooming sometime this

Nature-deficit Disorder

Green Creek Today, for a very few minutes, I’m going to do my part to save the world from possible insanity.  I have been reading a book given to me by my friend on the occasion of my birthday.  It is called Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.   I am not even halfway


I woke up this morning to a cat sitting on my back casually grooming her nails.  She only weighs eight pounds, so she is not very noticeable unless she pounces or jumps on me for some reason.  Quietly climbing onboard is a subtle change in my environment and is only somewhat


This is a small painting of a place in the Hill Country of central Texas that brings joyful memories to many people.  The place is Mo Ranch, which has been a camp and retreat center for the Presbyterian Church since the 1940’s.  A fellow Presbyterian  asked me to paint one

Taste and See

The other day my family was discussing with a friend how our brains perceive information coming in from our senses.  The senses of sight, sound, and touch seem to be newer products of evolution than the senses of taste and smell, which are linked.  Only a few types of receptors

Sense of Place

Without realizing it, as a child running barefoot, going for Sunday afternoon drives in the car, and trying to be a wild animal as much as possible, I internalized the shape of my area- the way the limestone cliffs look when they weather, the shapes the hills take on over


Today I made a preliminary sketch for a much larger art piece that I have had in mind for months.  I have photographed my models in numerous poses and this is a quick sketch- the first of many- of one of the characters who will appear in the final mosaic.  The model is a friend,

The Good Earth

This mosaic shares its title with a novel by Pearl S. Buck.  In the novel, the farm fields are themselves one of the living characters.  Likewise, I am thinking here of the earth as an organism.  Served up on a plate, it could be a course to savor and appreciate, or one t

Rock On

When I was very young I thought that what I saw today would be available for me to see tomorrow and next year and always.  I thought that the people I loved would be there tomorrow and next year and always.  I thought that the things I learned about the world would be permanently