Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


Blue Romance

This isn’t exactly a traditional valentine, is it?  Real valentines don’t come in blue, but this one does.  The blue ceramic heart came from my mom and I could not imagine how I would use it at first.  But then I contemplated  just how many romances and “true


Here is my Christmas card to you- a paper collage.  For some time now, I’ve been thinking about the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that, in Matthew’s story, the scholars from the East brought to Jesus after they realized that a new king had been born near

I’m Baaaa-ack to the Basics

For a number of reasons I have not been posting recently, but I hope I’m back now.  It is amazing how writing and making art, and then seeing comments on the effort come in from next door and across my country and all around the world feels like intimate community, rather


Let me tell you one big thing for which I’m giving thanks this year:  my cousin is having the extended family at her home for the Thanksgiving feast!  We have hosted the gathering the past two years at our house, which I love to do, but I am feeling so squeezed for time


The other day I was organizing my latest mosaics, framing ones that needed framing, and deciding which ones for which show, and saw a mosaic for which I had no frame.  Almost everyone has a drawer or a box or a sack somewhere containing a stash of miscellaneous stuff, and I have

Lux Aeterna

Today, or maybe I’d better say ‘yesterday’ by now, is All Saints Day in the tradition of Western Christianity.  In the Reformed tradition of my church denomination, the saints of the church aren’t specially chosen out from everybody else for sainthood

The Things

Sinister 6 1/8″ x 6 1/4″.  Copyright 2009 by Lynn Bridge. Since this is Halloween, I am thinking about fear, or maybe about FEAR.  Having been born with an unreasonably vivid imagination, I rarely had a relaxing night’s rest; the necessity of plotting to outwit