Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

creative thinking

If Your Tool is Mosaic, All the World’s a Tessera

*Tessera- noun.  A piece put into a mosaic.  Plural- tesserae. Yes, friends, there are these lovely little pieces of colored chocolate candy that look JUST LIKE ROCKS!  Of course, I use them for mosaic. This was our Christmas cake, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas

Another Angle

And Where We’ll Land, Nobody Knows One blog I follow, Quiet: the Power of Introverts, by Susan Cain, provides a reading list each weekend.  Today, one of the offerings caught my eye because it involved creativity.  There is a lot of talk about creative thinking; teaching it

More Than I Imagined

You Are My Sunshine When art goes out into the world, it is up for interpretation by whomever sees it.  The interpretation may or may not be anything like what the artist intended, but it bonds to the art as if it were glued. Following is a happy example of how art can become

Cat’s Out of the Bag… or “Would You Buy an iPad Bag from this Woman?”

Handmade iPad bag with cat motif  copyright by Lynn Bridge If you read my last post, you’ll know I am fretting over whether or not I am treating my iPad as a doll, and whether or not I’m having a religious experience when I use my Apple product.  Worries based on

Religious Experience? Or Handy Tool? (It’s in the Bag.)

My son graciously informed me that when brain scans were performed on people thinking of a religious experience and brain scans were performed on subjects thinking of their Apple products, the same area of each brain lighted up.  As one who considers matters of cosmic importance


Castle Moon by Lynn Bridge Last night, at the beginning fusing and slumping class taught by Jim Berry of Blue Moon Glassworks, we saw our projects that had been in the kiln from the week before.  Altogether, the 7″ dishes had a great variety of textures, colors, and themes.

Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks

Grinning Dog by Lynn Bridge I hope that today’s post amuses you AND encourages you to stretch out and try something new. In anticipation of taking a class from the British mosaic artist Martin Cheek (in Austin in February), I needed to learn how to make my own fused glass

Seeing for the First Time

Airplane sketches by Lynn Bridge Looking… seeing… vision. All refer to sight, right? For my purposes here, I’m going to call ‘looking’ the process by which our eyes send signals to our brains.  Our brains might process the information, …or they


Last September, when I started this blog, one of the first comments was from an Englishman who works as a chef.  He went by the somewhat-unpronounceable ‘Kseverny’, but his given name turns out to be Richard North.  According to his WordPress blog, The Arts Webshow,

Pants for Jesus

As an addendum to “Big Pants“, here is what John and Suzi Parker have done with some of the XXXXXXL surgical pants that were delivered to a hospital near Port-au-Prince, where there are NO XXXXXXL people: “A follow up to the problem of what to do with 12,000