Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

American culture

“Pink” lives again! Part 1

Pink Copyright by Lynn Bridge 12″ x 12″ x 1 1/4″ Last fall I blogged a short story which I wrote about 10 years ago and recently used as a take-off point for more art. It involves dementia. You never know when and where inspiration will strike! The story will

From Frantic to Flaccid in Fifty Feet

I got a real belly laugh the other day when, in the course of a conversation, my young friend announced, “Oh, Lynn, I just started another company on Wednesday.” His voice was a perfect mixture of regret (“I fell off the wagon and drank a whole bottle of

Carver Museum Gallery Opening in Austin, Texas

April 22 was the opening night for the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center’s 2010 “100%” art gallery and silent auction. Every 12″ x 12″ piece of art work is for sale through the silent auction process, until May 31.  The proceeds

Big Pants

Pastel Sketch of John and Suzi Parker copyright 2010 by Lynn Bridge 6 5/8″ x 9 1/2″ Do you recognize these people?  If you do, it is because you know them personally, or have read about them several times before on my blog posts.  They are  John and Suzi Parker.  They

New Contribution to a Museum Fund-Raiser

For the third year in a row, I have made a piece of art for the annual “100%” fund-raising silent auction benefiting the educational programs of Austin’s George Washington Carver Museum.  Each year the museum asks 100 citizens to make  12″ x 12″


Barton Creek 4 Copyright by Lynn Bridge 16″ x 24″ I just scanned an article in the New York Times relating to our federal Clean Water Act, and it dredged up memories from a creek bottom of my childhood. I became an environmentalist about the same time I learned to

Nature-deficit Disorder

Green Creek Today, for a very few minutes, I’m going to do my part to save the world from possible insanity.  I have been reading a book given to me by my friend on the occasion of my birthday.  It is called Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.   I am not even halfway

American Football

I realize that most of the world does not care about American football, but our country just finished the 44th year of the National Football League’s Super Bowl match up, and lots of people in this country care a LOT!  Millions of dollars’ worth of  television


Here is my Christmas card to you- a paper collage.  For some time now, I’ve been thinking about the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that, in Matthew’s story, the scholars from the East brought to Jesus after they realized that a new king had been born near

Breathing Together

The Big Sing 9 1/4″ x 9 1/2″ x 2 1/4″.  Copyright 2009 by Lynn Bridge. I am not really a singer.  Not in the sense we usually use the word- professional- a person audiences would pay to hear.   But, I sing.  Not only do I occasionally sing with the radio and