You Can’t Make This Stuff Up
We filled the Kruger’s Diamond Jewelers downtown window with mosaics this morning. Happens on a Saturday every two months. We like to keep the display fresh AND we like to give every member of Austin Mosaic Guild a chance to display mosaics for sale.
We enjoy meeting the store staff and other mosaic artists when the window change-out happens. BUT, the most important part of the experience is greeting Mariposa, the store cat. (Mariposa means ‘butterfly’ in Spanish.)
To label her as a cat is to demean her importance to the store staff: as the Chief of Critter Control, she has her own business card.
So, when you stop at Kruger’s to admire the mosaics for sale in the window, you would do well to go into the store at greet Mariposa. She’s the one with the “diamond” necklace.