Art as Integration of Body, Mind, and Soul
I love listening to NPR on my car radio when I’m out and about. This is how I learn stuff and how I find out about stuff to research further.
I was listening to The Takeaway and heard an interview with Seymour Bernstein as pianist and music teacher and Nathan Hawke as actor and director discussing the melding of one’s art so completely with one’s being that there is no difference. Here is the audio of the interview .
After you listen and ponder the interview, please comment on how you think that experiencing art you haven’t made yourself might or might not be an aid to integrating your own body, mind, and soul.
Another topic- Artists Alliance of the Hill Country art show coming up in one month! My studio is about one day away from being completely usable. I expect I’ll be firing the kiln night and day, and drinking a lot of coffee the next few weeks. I AM SO READY TO DO THIS!
– Lynn Bridge