Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

Living with Art

The relationship between art and its owner

A New Orleans themed mosaic by Lynn Bridge hanging in a roomArt is a pathway between the world within you and the larger world. Contemplating a piece of art reminds you of experiences, moods, and thoughts you have had, or it gives you new insight. But, it also connects you with the artist’s life. When I make a piece of art, it comes from trails I’ve walked, conversations I’ve had, bits of news I’ve heard on the radio, books I’ve read, and odd juxtapositions I’ve witnessed. When you look at art I’ve made, you are living a bit of my experience, as well as your own. It’s as if you’re living twice.

When you invite my art into your home or workplace, you get a little chunk of my life.  -Lynn Bridge, February 2014