Re-post from My Church Mosaic Blog
In spite of a somewhat curtailed schedule for working on this mosaic, the figures in panel three are happening. Please enjoy these pictures from the past few weeks of mosaic events.
After adhering the mosaic-covered mesh to the backer-board, it’s time to clean the adhesive off the borders.
Tracing paper over the full-sized design. Trace, then move tracing underneath a patch of mesh to be mosaicked. Simple!
Each set of figures gets outlined in black tile shards before the shaded color is filled in.
Sitting woman as viewed by a bird.
Seated figures, or bird-targets, depending. This is traced design under clear plastic under fiberglass mesh.
Young adults come for an evening of fun.
Hmmmm… looks like there’s an old adult here, too, supervising the mosaic-making.
Yeah, whacking a plate with a hammer is pretty much always funny! Notice the figures glued to Panel three in the background.
Working those heads to look round, rather than flat. You do get drawing lessons in the mosaic room.
And, when you are a young adult, you get called on to carry heavy objects down the hallway, past the tail-end of the Micah 6 Food Pantry activity. Panel two returning, framed, to the Great Hall.
Got some brains and some brawny brains at work here.
Let’s admire the view!
Ummmm-hmmmm… they do look good hanging above that fine floor.
Sunday after worship, always a good time to work in the mosaic room, so come on down!
Making a round head of hair and laying out the yellow shirt.
Figures staring to take shape.
Shadows being installed around the figures.