Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


Don’t have talent? Develop some!

watercolor sketch of a mosaic idea  “UNBOUND“ 4″ x 6″.  copyright 2010 by Lynn Bridge I promised you that I would review the book Talent Is Overrated– What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin, so that’s


Barton Creek 4 Copyright by Lynn Bridge 16″ x 24″ I just scanned an article in the New York Times relating to our federal Clean Water Act, and it dredged up memories from a creek bottom of my childhood. I became an environmentalist about the same time I learned to

The Disinterested World

Spring is starting in Austin, Texas.  The native Mexican plum trees, an understory plant, are flowering white under the bare branches of the taller trees.  This non-native shrub in my yard is flowering pink already, and its sibling shrub is thinking about blooming sometime this

American Football

I realize that most of the world does not care about American football, but our country just finished the 44th year of the National Football League’s Super Bowl match up, and lots of people in this country care a LOT!  Millions of dollars’ worth of  television

I’m Baaaa-ack to the Basics

For a number of reasons I have not been posting recently, but I hope I’m back now.  It is amazing how writing and making art, and then seeing comments on the effort come in from next door and across my country and all around the world feels like intimate community, rather

Hatching an Owl

For those who are wondering about a way to get a mosaic started, here is a train of thought…   I knew I wanted to make an abstract mosaic of the hooting of a Great Horned Owl (see entry “Sounds in the Dark” from October 1) .  First, I listened to a recording of