Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

pet portraits

3 family members in a canoe- Lynn Bridge, mosaic artist

Cat Portrait Commissions

Before I get into my main theme, I will take a little watery detour to nearby Barton Creek.  Our eldest and her baby came for a visit in June, and here is the family in a rental canoe on a beautiful summer day.  I was running along the bank, keeping up with Bob’s paddling,
green cat mosaic by Lynn Bridge of Glencliff Art Studio in Austin, Texas, U.S.A.

It’s All About the Animals

Pile of Stripes 7″ x 5″ The Daily Beast 7″ x 5″ Flyaway 5″ x 7″ CAT WORLD Living with cats in the studio all day makes me a ‘crazy cat lady’, for sure.  My art-making routines center around what is safe and unsafe for the resident