Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio

art studio

Teaching, Part B

To entitle sequential posts ‘Part A’ and ‘Part B’ sounds like I’m mixing epoxy, but I’m not.  I am gluing together my thoughts about the art and science of teaching, in the hope that you will share your experiences as a teacher, or your

Teaching, Part A

I spent ten happy hours this holiday weekend teaching four adults in a beginning mosaic class at Glencliff Art Studio.  I’ve spent countless hours in the classroom with 11 to 18-year-olds, but until now, zero hours teaching adults. Here are my preliminary observations- see

A Recipe for Mosaic Packing

Go visit your favorite home-improvement store and buy a couple of cans of spray foam insulation. Do you have a sturdy shipping carton? Oh, well then, you need to beg, borrow, or buy one. Next, wrap your pointy, pokey, delicate mosaic in layers of kitchen plastic wrap.  Make the

A Tour of Glencliff Studio

Last post, I promised pictures of my new mosaic studio.  I also have pictures of my adjoining painting studio.  Now you’ll want to visit, won’t you?

Movin’ on Up

Glencliff Studio, my new home! Less than one week before the 2012 West Austin Studio Tour, my new mosaic studio was complete and I was moving in!  How did this happen? First, I got tired of working in my garage- really, really tired.  In the winter, I told myself that artists in