Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


What Do You See When You Look at a Wall?

A wall.  A looooong, blank, cement wall. My current art commission clients looked at the plans for their new retaining wall and they saw it covered in mosaic.  LUCKY ME!  They bestowed the design-and-creation job on me. When they saw their wall in their minds’-eyes, they
mosaic art portrait by Lynn Bridge

Mosaic Portraits

I have shown you some of my mosaic portraits before, but I have three new ones to post. Jamal Copyright Lynn Bridge  Allow me to introduce you to Jamal, a 3-dimensional mosaic about 10″ x 10″ x 4″, that hangs on a wall.  I made the face using black powdered
Mosaic art table made by Lynn Bridge

Planet Table Ready to Ship

Planet-themed table top by Lynn Bridge After my spouse built the sturdy, hollow-topped coffee table, I planned the mosaic finish.  In 2 feet by 4 feet, I wanted to give a flavor of vast space, not to mention, exciting color. Several times, in a darkened room, I set up balls of


  The planet-themed tabletop is completely glued now, and I’ve been contemplating grout colors.  Since this is a table that will be used heavily, I plan to use epoxy grout, which dries hard as a rock, is impervious to liquid, and never needs sealing.  My color scheme

Here and There

Update on Shipping Spiky Things, which I posted several months ago:  The spiky portraits arrived safely back at my studio in Texas from the show in Illinois with not a glass shard broken!  Across the country, being uncrated and shown, being re-crated, and shipped, all without
pink mosaic with glass and pins by Lynn Bridge

Another New Home

Here is my next location shot.  “Volts” is in the center of the photo, but it is surrounded by strong color and bold pattern, so that you have to walk closer to see what in the world it is.  I like that, because it holds up well under scrutiny.  It brings up

In Situ

When I have the opportunity, I shall post a photo or two of my art in its new home.  Here is “Fossil Poetry” living happily on a mantle with antiques and some world art. It is so satisfying when my art moves out of my studio and into someone else’s place!  

Planet Formation

The planet-themed tabletop is underway, and taking me a LONG TIME to mosaic.  But, how I’m loving inventing planets!  And, I listen to podcasts while I’m working, so the hours fly by.   I love RadioLab podcasts, and there are lots of them related to space in some way.

Shipping Spiky Things Part 2

Yes, the spiky things arrived in Wheaton for the CIVA show, unharmed.  Some saint in the art department uncrated them and hung them on the gallery wall.  You can spot two of them peeking through the crowd at the gallery talk by Rowley Kennerk. Now we’ll see if the spiky

Hey, Lookit This!

The Nipper Buddy My two “trigger fingers”- swollen joints from long-term use of tile nippers- have been a problem for several years.  But now, the problem has worked its way up my arm and into my elbow. In addition to doing my e-cises, as prescribed by my Pain Free