Lynn Bridge Glencliff Art Studio


Beginning Again

My only key to consistent creativity and reliable workflow is habit. Not just any habit, but habit that brings joy!

Art as Integration of Body, Mind, and Soul

I love listening to NPR on my car radio when I’m out and about. This is how I learn stuff and how I find out about stuff to research further. I was listening to The Takeaway and heard an interview with Seymour Bernstein as pianist and music teacher and Nathan Hawke as actor
mosaic portrait by Lynn Bridge

Thoughts on My Life as an Artist

Been doing some thinking about art lately. Oh, really?   Well, yes. Now that we’ve moved into the country. And can’t set up my new studio just yet.  Leading me to work literally between the rocks and the hard places. And then there’s the matter of taking real

Tadpole with Tail

Ah, the tadpole is swimming a bit! With all the gridlock in the future studio, it seemed as if all the chocolate in HEB wouldn’t be enough to fuel my organizational challenges. But, guess what? Getting one very willing husband in there with some muscle meant that together,

Living the Tadpole Stage

As some of you know, Glencliff Studio has moved down the road 18 miles to Dripping Springs, Texas. The home and studio are on several acres of lovely Texas Hill Country.  But, this move is taking a l-o-n-g time! Moving day was a month ago and we are still winnowing two
Nina Miller's photographic portrait of Lynn Bridge in front of her mosaic wall in Austin, Texas

What I Look Like on a Good Day

Nina Miller and I live in the same neighborhood in Austin.  She is a portrait photographer and I, a mosaic artist.  We decided to do some work for each other and you just won’t believe how well Nina did hers! I needed some updated portrait photos for my website, brochures,
framed mosaic in blues, greens, red by Lynn Bridge

Capturing the Essence

Yesterday’s post about portraiture is a nice segue into today’s activity, which was meeting with a neighbor and fellow artist, Nina Miller, who is a portrait photographer.  She confirmed that she looks for that particular gesture or expression which is so

Seeing a City

I had an interested and interesting response on my post, Environment vs. The Environment, from my daughter’s friend who is a highly-trained professional violinist and violist.  She saw my post through a link on Facebook and wrote her comment there. (I get the majority of
mosaic portrait of a woman by Lynn Bridge

A Little Far Afield, Don’t You Think?

After hitting the ‘publish’ button on yesterday’s post, I had second thoughts, FEARS, really, that I would offend my Houston friends and relatives, not to mention art collectors in the area. Maybe some of you love Houston enough to love its freeway, tollway, and

What Do You See When You Look at a Wall?

A wall.  A looooong, blank, cement wall. My current art commission clients looked at the plans for their new retaining wall and they saw it covered in mosaic.  LUCKY ME!  They bestowed the design-and-creation job on me. When they saw their wall in their minds’-eyes, they